Sunday 27 December 2020

Student Surrogate - Another Tutor


  1. Replies
    1. I'd love to have continued heaps of Student Surrogate captions if I'd continued making caps.

  2. WOW! what a super twisty story! Intertesting thaT Nikki has told her daaughter yet. „hat a shock for him, in his girl F's mom body! Iforwhenshe finds out she'll neverbe ableto look at him again the same way! Iwonder if Nikki will pretrend to be him with the girl. Íhey sure can't tell anyone of his friends or the school wouild find out. I can't wait for more! one of your best

    1. Oh yeah, Student Surrogates have to keep it a secret. Nikki's about to find out the "love" she scoffed at before actually feels a lot more intense than she expected. She'll be tempted not to think of Betsy as her daughter.

  3. Oh, wow, what a great twisted start. Both moms are happy with the arrangement. I wonder what trouble will follow!

    1. The trouble definitely begins when Nikki tries to sabotage her daughter's relationship, only to find herself wanting to pursue it further...
