Tuesday 7 July 2020

The Lake Swap (Art)

I've still been lurking on the "Body Swapping" Reddit, and saw this great story back in June about an older couple swapping with a younger couple via a lake. It took me a bit of time to get around to drawing it. Hopefully, the thread is still here. And if anyone is actually on that reddit, you're more than welcome to post it.


  1. this is my favorite art piece so far. you're really good at what you do: captions and art!

    i would love to see some kind of long form comic from you one day, like a one shot of some kind. although if you released it a page at a time i think i'd lose my mind lol.

    anyway, take care! i've been reading for a while and have been loving almost everything!

    1. Thanks! I've considered something more long form, but I don't want to be that guy who does a web comic and quits halfway through (I have done it before with non-swap stuff). I'm hoping I can build up some momentum with the art that I might do a few multi-parters though!

  2. I had fun role playing that one. I think we got close to 30 comments deep on my part of that thread. I love the art for it. Narri~

    1. Oh right! I didn't look at the name closely to realize it was you! Awesome work on that RP! I hope you can see how much it inspired my art! c:
